Team Sections

We are a multidisciplinary team: everyone has a specific role and purpose.

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CFD and Experimental Section

In this section, we study the best aerodynamic configuration for our rotor, do data analysis and studies in the wind tunnel and do performance calculation for the prototype.

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Electrical Section

This section deals with the energy conversion from mechanical to electrical. We develop the electrical generator, design and build the circuit board that manage the power flow, and build the energy storage system.

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Design and Technology Section

The Design and Technology section aims to design the primary and secondary components of the wind rotor in compliance with standards, taking care to satisfy the structural, aerodynamic and economic requirements of the project.

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Visual and Management Section

We design and manage every touchpoint of our team, such as social media and website. We are also responsible for the team budget and take care of the all the printed supports and the gadget that we offer.


Team Management

Leader Image

Edoardo Iacobazzi

Team Leader
Electrical Section

Member Image 1

Simone Martelli

CFD and Experimental Section

Member Image 2

Emanuele Basso

Electrical Section

Member Image 2

Emanuele Arnosio

Design and Technology Section

Member Image 3

Nicola D'Agostino

Visual Section

Member Image 3

Martina Martire

Management Section

The Eolito Team was founded in 2017 by professor Gaetano Iuso