CFD and Experimental Section


In the Aerodynamic Division we use Siemens' Star CCM+ solver to analyize the performance of the current iteration of our Vertical Axis Wind Turbine. Once a configuration has been chosen via a reduced order method we first conduct a campaign of 2D simulation and if the result are satisfactory we proceed we a full 3D simulation of the VAWT. Ultimately we test the prototype in the wind tunnel in order to validate the numerical results.

Example Image
Instantaneous velocity field


We utilize reduced order methods to test various configurations and operating conditions in order to obtain an optimum configurations. We also write algorithms to analyze the acquired data and for post-processing of all results. We interface Matlab with CFD software and manipulate batch charts of data from CFD simulations. We also design an acquisition code for experimental procedures data and wind tunnel characterization, create graphic interfaces to sort data and perform calculations.

Example Image
Power variation with wind speed and revolution


In this section we also conduct practical experiments in the wind tunnel using our rotor, during which we collect empirical data such as wind speed and mechanical torque, that we use to calculate the aerodynamic torque generated. These empirical data are then utilized to validate the previously performed digital simulations.

Example Image
Our turbine in the wind gallery
Evolution of the 2D velocity field

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